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Skydive Kent
Photographs by
Nigel Rowlan

Landing at Headcorn Parachute Club

November 1, 2006
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Best landing photos
 Best landing photos 

Landing our parachutes

Every day, all around the world, skydivers are saving themselves by carefully parachuting to the ground - it’s this idea of landing with a parachute that enables us all to go up and skydive again. Without the ability to land a parachute we would simply crash into the ground after the freefall.

Regular Headcorn parachutists

Louise performing a low hook turn
 Louise Hawkins 
At Headcorn, landing is the fun bit at the end of the jump where skydivers can express themselves for the last time, usually after an exhilerating jump you feel you need to punctuate the skydive with a really far out landing. After all you’re going to have a rough ride back to the packing shed if you get the wrong driver so you’ve got to make the most of it by getting it out of your system when you’re still in the air.

Take a look at the photos below - notice how Chris Lynch has cleverly tried to avoid doing a student briefing by deliberately trying to make himself smell really bad and actually landing in the river Beult. In fact, there was an ulterior motive in doing this and I think it had something to do with what he stood on last time he landed in the pit...

Yeah cracked it finally Swoo Sswooooo Ssswooooooooooosh Sswooooosh Wooosh Yep just about here Look no gates - this will do i think
 Chris Lynch swooping the Beult River 

More pictures of Headcorn jumpers

Absolutely everyone is in here somewhere - some of the photos are really nice. Unfortunately quite a few jumpers are still missing from my collection - not everyone is quite as accurate as they could be in getting back to the DZ and land too far away. Either that or people just like to land alone because it's safer for novices - just like me!

Headcorn landing photos
 Headcorn landing photos 
Headcorn demo photos
 Headcorn demo photos 

No I reckon people are just camera shy, unlike this chap here..."

Chris Shaw landing his Velocity at the Airfield
 Chris Shaw landing his Velocity 
Note - you should not attempt any of these stunts at home. All skydivers featured here are highly trained professionals.
No animals were hurt during the shooting of these pictures. At least not seriously.

Tandem Skydiving
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